Valentiny Contest 2016


This is my little entry for the 2016 Valentiny Contest!  With a top word count of 214 words (how cute, right?), it truly is a tiny story, meant for tiny people. I’m familiar with flash fiction of this length, but having it aimed at kids was a fun change. I rather liked how it turned out.  Enough nervous beating around the bush.  I present you…

Remembering Hammie

“It’s going to happen again, I just know it.  Twice this week – twice! – they’ve been late feeding me.  Cutting out red hearts, gluing stuff, coloring Valentines. But will anyone remember the hamster today?  Noooo. Just watch them forget me again,” I think.

I wait.

“Maybe if I drink loudly, they’ll hear and remember I need food!”

Drink, drink, drink, gulp, gulp, gulp.


“That’s not working.  They’re still ignoring me. Big surprise.”

I wait.

“Maybe if I run in my wheel, the squeaking will get their attention.”

Run, run, run. Squeak, squeak, squeak.


“Whew. That’s not working either. Still no food. I’m exhausted. And sloshing. May as well go in my burrow, hope the teacher feeds me after school,” I grumble.

“Mrs. Jenkins? Can I feed Hammie early? I brought him a special treat, see?” someone says.

I overhear my name and poke my nose out.

“Go ahead Ashley. I bet Hammie  will love heart shaped carrots,” the teacher says.

Next thing I see is a bag of carrot slices being emptied into my bowl.  I rush out and see that they’re funny shaped but smell the same.  I shove several in my mouth and scurry back to my burrow.

“Happy Valentine’s Day Hammie!”

“It is now human, it is now.”

8 thoughts on “Valentiny Contest 2016

  1. Such a cute story, Meagan! I commented on it already where you posted it on my blog… or I posted it for you… I can’t remember :)… so I won’t repeat myself, but thanks so much for joining in the Valentiny fun!


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